Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are some common questions that we  
get asked about Scanner Angel and the Halo  
1. What is different about this scanner?
An otherwise traditional microchip scanner, the Halo will
immediately alert the operator if the microchip being
scanned belongs to an animal that has been reported
missing. It is also currently the most economically priced
scanner on the market.

2. What is Scanner Angel?
Scanner Angel is a unique database of the microchips of
lost or stolen animals which is downloaded to the Halo
scanner and updated every time the Halo is connected to a
laptop or PC.

3. What microchips does the Halo scanner read?
The Halo scanner will read all 15 digit (FDX-B) microchips
and 10 digit (FDX-A FECAVA) microchips. The 15 digit
microchips are those that are used throughout Europe and
most of the world. The 10 digit microchips were used in
the UK about 15 years ago and are common in the USA.
The Halo will NOT read AVID-Encrypted microchips or the
10 digit Trovan microchip, these chips are normally only
used in the USA.

4. Does the Halo scanner need any batteries?
No, the Halo scanner has an internal rechargeable battery
which is recharged through the USB connector.

5. How long does the battery last?
The standby time for the Halo scanner is about 2 months
or 800 scans.

6. What is included?
The Halo scanner is supplied with a 1.8 metre USB lead and
a CD for installing the accompanying software onto a
Windows compatible PC.

7. What does the software do?
The software that is supplied with the scanner allows the
list of missing animals to be downloaded onto the scanner
as well as allowing the user to see and copy the microchip
numbers that have been scanned by the Halo.

8. How often do I have to plug the Halo in?
Each time the Halo is plugged into the computer it will
recharge the battery as well as download the latest missing
animals. It is advisable therefore to update the scanner as
often as practicable: however we would recommend
plugging it in at least once a week which will not only keep
the scanner updated but also fully charged.

9. What warranty is supplied with the Halo scanner?
The scanner comes with a manufacturers one year return
to base warranty

10. Does the software work on a Apple Mac?
No unfortunately at the moment the software is for a
Windows compatible computer only. We hope to release
Apple Mac compatible software at some point in the future.

11. My computer does not have a CD drive, can I
      download the software?
  Yes, the latest software can be downloaded from here.

12. How long does it take to recharge the battery?
  This will depend on the state of the battery but a normal
charge from a low battery to a fully-charged one will be
3.5 hours.

Scanner Angel. Telephone +44 (0)1481 266056 Email:  Scanner Angel is a registered trademark © Scanner Angel 2014